The use of more than one language by individuals may be the norm in contemporary times, but the experience has been connected with conflicting perceptions and problematic identity projections. This study examines the linguistic experience of Igbo students in the University of Lagos who use two indigenous languages (Igbo and Yoruba), a language of wider communication, (Nigerian Pidgin), and two foreign languages (English, and French/Chinese). This is with a view to delineating language use in different settings, code switching patterns, language attitudes, and identity projections. 42 male and female Igbo students studying Igbo (16), French (14), and Chinese (12) were purposively sampled and a questionnaire was used to elicit information from the participants. It was found that Igbo, English and Yoruba were the only languages used in both formal and informal settings, while French and Chinese were used only in formal situations. Nigerian Pidgin was used exclusively in informal encounters. Naturally, code-switching was a common interactional strategy involving most language combinations. Majority of respondents were positively attuned to Igbo, English, French and Chinese, for utilitarian reasons. A minority of the respondents reported a sole Igbo identity while a majority indicated hyphenated and multiple identities thus highlighting identity dilemma in their social perception. Notably, multiple language use is beneficial as it avails speakers the opportunity of interacting and identifying freely with people from other ethno-linguistic groups.
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