Odinakolisa Christopher Okudo (PhD), Hilary Ozoemena Okwunalu


This study was on the influence of family environment on the socio-cognitive development of adolescents from Anambra State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey design was used for the study. Five research questions guided the study. The population of the study was all the (SSII) senior secondary school students in mission and private schools totaling 6, 247 students during the 2022/2023 academic year in Anambra State. The sample size was 800 students chosen through multi stage sampling technique. The research instrument was a researcher-developed instrument made up of five clusters consisting of 50 items to appraise the influence of the family environment (physical, economic, psychological, moral and social) on the socio-cognitive development of adolescents. Three briefed research assistants helped in the distribution and administering of the questionnaire which were all returned. The reliability of the instrument was established using split half method and it yielded a reliability coefficient (r) of 0.67. Mean scores and average total mean score were used to do the analyses and the result revealed that the adolescents rated the influence of the family physical and economic environment poor while the family psychological, moral, and social environment were rated high and among the recommendations proffered include: parents to double their efforts on parental provisions and influences, stakeholders to encourage participation and organization of conferences on family environment awareness among others.


influence, family environnent, adolescents, socio-cognitive development, Anambra State.

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