Nwamaka Patricia Ibeme


This study examined the path to evolving piloting role for administrative leadership from routine administration to boosting entrepreneurship development. The study was guided by three principal objectives. The study adopted descriptive research survey method in which a set of pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect data from four enterprises: Innoson Industrial &Technical Co Ltd., Juhel Pharmaceutical Co Ltd., Zenith Bank PlcOgui Road Branch and Sunrise Flour Mills Ltd. Enugu. The combined total population of these enterprisesas at the time of this research was 4,361. From this population, Cochran’s finite population correction statistics was used in determining a sample size of 353 for the study. The said questionnaire that was used by the study consisted of 18 close-ended items (6 on the demography of respondents and 12 on the research constructs of the study) with the latter set on the 5-point Likert-type scale. Results of the reliability test carried out on the said questionnaire showed that it had a Cronbach’s Alpha index (CAI) of 0.81, which was considered appropriate for the study. The respondents for the study were chosen using purposive sampling technique which used certain pre-determined set of criteria to choose those adjudged to possess some good knowledge of the issues involved in administration and leadership, business management, and entrepreneurship. Descriptive statistics that consisted of tables, frequency counts, and percentages was used to analyze the data collected, while the three hypotheses for the study were tested using Pearson’s Chi-square Cross Tabulation Statistics, all with the aid of SPSS. It was the findings of the study that the role administrative leaders play in training and human capacity building has significant positive effect on the stock of technical skills, knowledge and competencies possessed by employees of enterprises (X2=33.44; p=0.000<0.05); that the role administrative leaders play in the provision of formal education has significant positive effect on the stock of entrepreneurial attitudes, behaviours and orientations possessed by employees of enterprises (X2=54.47; p = 0.000<0.05); and that the role administrative leaders play in mentoring has significant positive effect on the stock of managerial skill possessed by employees of enterprises (X2=38.79; p =0.00<0.05). This study recommended increased investment of funds in provision of training and human capacity building by organizations, increased investment in the provision of formal education to needy employees, greater emphasis should be placed on creating mentoring programmes and diligent implementation of same.


administration, evolution, piloting role, entrepreneurship development, leadership.

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