Bridget Ngozi Madu


This is an investigation into the trends in English Language publications in South Africa, using a bibliometric analysis method. The first 50 articles in the area of English Language publications in South Africa were uploaded using Google Scholar database, and analyzed to find out trends in authorship, type of journals where the articles were published in, branch/area of English directly related to the publications, research methods used by the authors, and source of data for their publications or participants. A combination of quantitative and qualitative methods of research is used in this study; and the Multicriteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) is used to group the publications into desired variables and Frequency Table. Result shows that the number of articles published by sole authors is much less (42%) than those published by more than one author (58%); articles published in English-specific journals are also much less (16%) than the ones published in multi-disciplinary journals (84%); most of the reviewed articles (96%) are in the area of English Language, and only a few (4%) are the area of Literature; authors used more of Qualitative Research method (68%), than Quantitative research method (20%), or Mix method (12%); finally, the sources of data for the publications were more of human respondents (54%) than literature review (44%). Conclusions are drawn from the findings to guide young/future researchers in the area of English language in South Africa towards prolific writing and quality publication.


English Language Publications, Bibliometric Analysis, South Africa

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