Aniyas Joshua Markus, Tanimu Cyril Yohanna


History is a discipline which plays a significant role in the development of an individual and his society, by providing one with national consciousness and patriotism. In spite of these imperatives, history has suffered neglect in Nigeria's National Curriculum especially in the Primary school sector, following the 1969 National Curriculum Conference when it was expunged. This neglect has manifested negatively on our youths and the process of national development. This alarming situation prompted this research which is an attempt to examine the effect of the neglect of the teaching of History, its significance and role in human and societal development. The research examines how the study of History can change the society by repositioning its educational sector for national development. The research looked at the concept of History, why the study of History is a must and why it is neglected. The methodology adopted in the study is that of historical survey and analytical. The major findings of the study reveal that the neglect of the teaching of History as a subject has resulted in the loss of historical consciousness and lack of patriotism.


History, teaching, primary schools, Nigeria.

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