Callistus Chinwuba Ugwu


As healthcare institutions are challenged to consistently achieve superior patient outcomes, the key to success of such high-quality performance may be engaged workforce in healthcare professionals who exhibit high level of vigor, dedication and absorption at work necessary for organizational effectiveness. Based on Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model which assumes that prolonged exposure to high job demands without commensurate resources will lead to employees who become chronically exhausted and distance themselves psychologically from their work, the study therefore investigated the relationship between role overload and work engagement; and moderating role of resilience in the relationships. A cross-sectional survey involving 250 nurses randomly drawn from 4 public hospitals in Enugu, Enugu State, Nigeria participated in the study by completing questionnaire measures of role overload, resilience, and work engagement. Results of Hayes PROCESS macro for SPSS testing the relationships and the moderation effect of resilience revealed that role overload significantly predicted work engagement; resilience did not moderate the relationships between role overload and work engagement. Implications of the findings for practice concerning hospital managements targeting individuals with high level of resilience at the initial stage of recruitment and choosing process was highlighted as well as adopting proactive measures to train and develop the trait in the nurses for effective work performance and success of healthcare institutions.


Role overload, work engagement, resilience, nurses.

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